Going Solar

The writing of this book was personal.

During my time in customer service at a solar installation company, I heard numerous accounts from homeowners who were misled by independent solar contractors. Promises of eliminating electricity bills or saving thousands of dollars often turned out to be exaggerated or false. This book was born out of my desire to provide homeowners with accurate information and a clear understanding of the factors influencing solar savings, like roof dimensions, sunlight exposure, and energy consumption.


Purpose of the Book:

The widespread misconceptions about solar energy inspired Going Solar. This book tackles these misunderstandings and provides insights into:

  • Avoiding scams.
  • Exploring financing options.
  • Navigating the solar energy sales process.
  • Making informed decisions for a successful solar investment.

Who Can Benefit:

Going Solar was primarily written for homeowners in the United States, but it also offers valuable information for individuals worldwide. Whether you’re considering solar energy options, looking for financing solutions, or seeking guidance on the right questions to ask to avoid scams and misinformation, this handbook gives you the tools you need to make informed decisions. 

What You Will Learn:

  • Invaluable Advice: Essential tips for a smooth solar journey.
  • Critical Questions: Key questions to ask before and during installation.
  • Identify Misinformation: Learn how to spot and avoid misleading claims.
  • Trustworthy Resources: Links and guidance to reliable sources for solar investments.

Ready To Take The Next Step? Purchase Going Solar now.